Board elections
Minor changes in the board elections at the Association for History and Culture.
The visitor mine is operated by the association "Historisches Kupferbergwerk Düppenweiler - Verein für Geschichte und Kultur" e.V. The association currently has 190 members.
In 1983, the Kultur- und Heimatverein e. V. was founded in Düppenweiler. In the years before, the Düppenweiler local historian Rudolf Gross had already collected, researched, described and published a lot of historical data and facts about the former Düppenweiler copper mine. On this basis, work began in 1987 on opening up the then bricked-up tunnel mouth. It was soon realized that this was a long-term project that would not be easy for the volunteer members of the association to handle. Therefore, the Förderverein Kupferbergwerk Düppenweiler e. V. was founded in 1992. With volunteer miners from the coal mining industry, with ABM workers as well as volunteers, they systematically began to develop the old mine into a visitor mine. The old cultural and local history association and the sponsoring association have been merged into the association "Historisches Kupferbergwerk Düppenweiler e. V." since 2006.
1986 Uncovering of the tunnels, construction of visitor-friendly paths above ground and underground, sinking of the hut, sella and hauzeur shafts.
1992 Foundation of the "Förderverein Kupferbergwerk e.V." and resumption of work on the construction of a visitor mine.
1993 Expiration of the concession of the Dillinger Hütte and granting of the operating license to the Förderverein Kupferbergwerk Düppenweiler e.V.
1995 First visitors are guided through the mine, construction of the mine chapel
1997 Laying of the foundation stone for sinking the New Barbara Shaft
1999 Completion of the New Barbara Shaft
2004 Construction of the hat house
2006 Light and sound installation "Mystallica"
2010 Completion of the copper smelter with stamping plant, smelter and fairgrounds
2011 Construction of the mining Christmas pyramid
since 2011 Theater performances on the festival meadow
since 2013 freely accessible video installation for hikers and visitors of the surface area in the Pochwerk
since 2014 Linsenberg gallery, part of the Litermont Legend Trail
Minor changes in the board elections at the Association for History and Culture.
It was some years ago when Günter Fuchs and Werner Kockler built the upper part of the altar. At that time it was already clear that an altar table would also have to be made. Stefan Müllenbach (grandson of the deceased club member Alfred Müllenbach) and Werner Kockler have now realized this, with Stefan having the main part in it.
Our chief archivist Karl-Rudi Wilhelm, together with Bergliedermeister Erhard Seger, cleaned and rearranged the exhibition showcases in the Huthaus.
A new house now stands next to the copper smelter.
At the General Meeting on June 1, 2018, the following Board of Directors was elected for a term of four years:
Further information