history of the copper mine
The beginning of copper mining in Düppenweiler can be seen in a document of the Lord of Hagen zur Motten from 1776, which states: "The Düppenweiler copper mine was found by an inhabitant of the town named Junkmann with the plow at the Weltersberg in 1723".
From about 1725, the Walloon Remacle de Hauzeur is mentioned as the operator of the mine. Under his management, the largest part of the mine known today through old cracks was built. Due to the extensive wedging of the ore veins and a legal dispute over the mining rights in Düppenweiler, the mine operation was shut down around 1735. Several mining periods in the following decades (1757 Herren von Hagen and Jean de Dauphiné, 1769 Baron Franz Georg von Zandt and the Frenchman de Gersonne, 1772-1778 de Gerin, 1786-1789 F.J.Odelin) did not bring a repetition of the initial success under Hauzeur.
The last two attempts by the Dillinger Hütte (1824-1828 and 1915-1916) were also only moderately successful, so that mining operations were now finally discontinued.
further infromations