According to a crack by ERDMENGER (1818), the original mouth hole of the water supply tunnel was located about 35 m further in the direction of Düppenweiler.
It is located below the current road level and is no longer recognizable. The adit was probably built during the first mining period of the mine under HAUZEUR (1723-1730) to drain off the mine water.
Today's mouth was created by the construction of a ditch perpendicular to the gallery, in order to drain the water from the gallery into the stream flowing next to it. It was constructed by the Dillinger Hütte in 1914/15. Furthermore, in the years 1935/36, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service) extended the gallery at this point as a well chamber in order to ensure an additional water supply for Düppenweiler. At the same time, the mouth hole and the slope protection were made of reinforced concrete.
In 1986, the first work to develop the copper mine as a visitor mine began here with the excavation of the almost completely silted tunnel by volunteers of the "Kultur- und HeimatvereinsDüppenweiler". The roof was built in 1995 by members of the THW Beckingen.