The nine mountain singers went to the transitional home in Remagen-Rolandseck to hand over the proceeds from the sale of the new CD to the deputy chairwoman of Lebenshilfe in the district of Ahrweiler, Karin Friele. After all, 1500 € came out of the action, considering also that the 2500€ for the production costs were financed by donations (company Wax-Entsorgung, municipality Beckingen and Kreissparkasse Merzig-Wadern).That this was only a "drop in the bucket" in view of the unimaginable extent of the damage in the romantic wine valley, was clear to the singers. Under the motto "There is nothing good unless you do it", they then joined the ranks of the many helpers.The modest contribution of the Düppenweiler singers was also supported by stores and restaurants in Düppenweiler by setting up sales points for the CD: the "Alt Topfstadt" inn, the hat house at the copper mine, the Besser bakery and "Nah und Gut".
We have to thank them very much, the singers summarize in unison the helpfulness of the local business community.Especially diligent in the sale of the sound carrier was Karl-Dieter Friedrich, the landlord of the AT. There is no regular guest of the rustic pub who was allowed to go home without a CD. The nine singers gladly took the opportunity to serenade the residents with a sample of their skills during their visit to the alternative home in Remagen. For the singers from Düppenweiler, the visit to Remagen was more than just a day trip to the famous "Father Rhine". It was an experience that will remain unforgotten in the history of this ensemble.